Dear President Trump,

We implore you to call for a worldwide ban against one of the most horrifying atrocities known as the dog and cat meat trade in Asia. Receiving global condemnation, one of the largest petitions ever recorded in history was that against this trade, as millions of Asian citizens scream for outside help.

An estimated 30 million dogs and 10 million cats (mainly STOLEN PETS) are taken and purposefully, sadistically and mercilessly TORTURED prior to being barbarically killed by means of being blow-torched, skinned and boiled ALIVE for human consumption every year. It is based off a misguided belief that the more and longer you torture them, the more adrenaline rushes through their bodies therefore, making the meat tastier and increasing mens virility. The footage will bring you to your knees. As these animals are filmed screaming in unfathomable, incomprehensible pain, they are mocked, laughed at and even urinated on as they writhe in agony.

On 9/12/18, the USA had taken a stand against this trade with the passing of both;

H.R.6720 - Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2018 - A federal bill that prohibits the slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption in the United States.                                            
Thank you President Trump for signing this into law.

H.Res.401- A global resolution which urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enforce existing laws against such trade.

Though every continent upon this earth rejoiced over this news, sadly, that is where it ended. The USA unfortunately did not follow through (utilizing these legislations) to in fact "urge" anyone.

Now we have the Coronavirus to deal with which, is only the beginning of numerous infectious diseases that could potentially spread when you have lawless, unrestricted nations in regards to animal protection, their slaughter and consumption. Like the wildlife trade, the dog and cat meat trade is unregulated, violates every food and safety regulation and is associated with various transmittable diseases such as Rabies (killing 39,000 people in Asia annually), E. Coli, Salmonella, Anthrax, Brucellosis, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Cholera, Trichinellosis, putting us all at risk heading straight towards catastrophe.  

The dog and cat meat trade is not about culture. It is not about eating meat. It's about prolonged, systematic torture. This brutality committed upon the innocent is so vile, so unconscionable, so shocking, it's an outright abhorrent abomination to millions of people, to humanity and to God.

Please call for a worldwide ban and the enactment of animal welfare laws. After all, they only put the entire world in jeopardy
